2020 Midwest Foodservice Expo


Chris Czarnik

Chris Czarnik
Career [RE]Search Group

I travel the country teaching HR organizations to be "hunters" of talent instead of "farmers" of talent. My newest book: "Winning the War for Talent" has sold more than 3,000 copies and is being used as a model for transforming hiring and employee development efforts around the country. My first job search book "The Human Search Engine®"​ was distributed to every member of the US House of Representatives with a recommendation from Congressman Reid Ribble as a model for proactive job search nationwide. My newest release "Human Search Engine® for Career Search: A Serious Job Seekers Guide"​ (Jan/2015) was adopted as required text in UW Madison's athletic department. In fall of 2016 the EAP program for the United States Congress chose Human Search Engine as their outplacement tool of choice for representatives leaving Congress. In fall 2016 I was honored to be named Subject Matter Expert on career choice and career change by Pearson Education- a division of the largest publisher in the world (Pearson Publishing).

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