The Sheep Show 2020


Sara Domek

Sara Domek
Member Women in Hunting Committee

Sara grew up in the high sagebrush sea of western Wyoming. While a love for horses was a primary obsession for much of her childhood, Sara loved following in her father's footsteps fishing and hunting on Wyoming's public lands. Sara's family spends a lot of time outside, and from her experiences working on trail crews to her current role as the Executive Director of the National Bighorn Sheep Center and a founding member of Artemis, another women's hunting and conservation organization, Sara is professionally and personally deeply dedicated to wildlife, public lands and the outdoors. She loves to hunt, and her passion for archery hunting grows exponentially with every season, especially with several exhilarating full-draw encounters with bulls she has been fortunate enough to experience. Sara is passionate about helping empower more women's voices in wildlife conservation and hunting.

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