UB Tech 2019


Robert Kennedy

Robert Kennedy
Media and Control Systems Engineer
University of Scranton

Rob Kennedy is the Media and Control Systems Engineer at The University of Scranton. Within this role, he is primarily responsible for the conceptualization, design and programming of classroom audiovisual and control systems. Along with more than 30 years of professional experience, Rob holds multiple industry certifications from Extron, Crestron and AVIXA. A true A/V enthusiast, Rob is always looking past the horizon to prepare for what is coming next. He is a lifelong learner who loves sharing his knowledge and ideas with anyone willing to listen. He has authored multiple feature and opinion articles in the IT/AV Report (by Sound and Communications) and he has been invited to share his opinions and ideas on Extron’s Technical Advisory Council five times. Over the past two years, Rob has spent most of his free time developing voice control for classroom A/V systems. Along with simplifying operation, he hopes the technology will offer greater accessibility to those who need it. The skill has been recently featured in both the IT/AV Report and AVTechnology magazine.

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