NWCDC 2019


Kim Haugaard

Kim Haugaard
Senior VP, Policyholder Services
Texas Mutual Insurance

As SVP of Policyholder Services at Texas Mutual Insurance Company, Kim Haugaard is focused on innovative and impactful ways to deliver customer-centric products and services. His visionary and risk-tolerant leadership style ensures that his organization is constantly evolving and reimagining how to deliver best-in-class service and improved claim outcomes. Kim developed and lead the first workers’ compensation regulatory certified network in Texas and has since then implemented Texas Mutual’s proprietary, outcome-focused medical network, WorkWell, TX. He has developed medical provider benchmarks used to identify and recognize medical provider excellence, and a proprietary network directory designed to guide injured workers to medical providers who consistently demonstrate quality care delivery and outcomes. As a proponent of data-driven decision making, Kim has leveraged data analytics and machine learning to streamline claim adjudication and identify outlier claim performance. These initiatives enable the strategic alignment of claim staff for optimal impact. Mutual Care, Texas Mutual’s injured worker advocacy program, is one way staff can improve claim outcomes. The program, directed by Kim, is designed to help injured workers navigate the workers’ compensation system with an end goal of returning them to work and productive life. Kim not only promotes a compassionate approach to claim handling, but also a compassionate approach to people management. He embodies this through his investments in acquiring key talent that exemplify the company’s’ values and providing the ongoing development and career opportunities employees need to thrive in a dynamic and constantly evolving environment.

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