ErgoExpo 2019


Gisele Sirot

Gisele Sirot
Director of Business Intelligence, Innovation & Sharing Economy

Gisele rejoined AIG in September 2017 as Director of Business Intelligence for Innovation and the Sharing Economy. The remit of understanding the new business models and technology that shift insurance risk proves a creative application for her legal background - from how Autonomous Vehicles technology is expected to provoke an evolution in mandatory liability schemes, to addressing risk allocation in the “on-demand” work force enabled by Sharing Economy platforms. Indeed, the “Future of Work” is an especially rich context, raising and connecting many of the issues of this conference, like the impact of worker safety on worker longevity, retirement and financial security. Gisele prior experience as a lawyer focused on anti-fraud and anti-corruption issues, consulting for the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Finance and representing a sovereign state through her work at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher in London in matters related to foreign direct investment.

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