NCIA 2019 Cannabis Business Summit


Carolina Mitchell

Carolina Mitchell
Ciencia Labs

Carolina Vazquez Mitchell, MS is the founder and Chief Scientific Officer for Ciencia Labs and the creator of dreamt, QUELL and LUCHADOR. Carolina was the Lab Director for a cannabis testing facility. Prior to that, Carolina worked as the Chief Scientific Officer for KushyPunch, and was the Head of Research for Power Brands, America’s leading beverage consultancy firm. During her tenure, she led several projects for companies like Taco Bell, Pepsi, Quaker, and Gatorade. She is also a founding chair of the Legalization of Cannabis & Hemp Edibles division of the Institute of Food Technologists. To date, she has developed more than 100 cannabis products. A gifted academic with deep experience in developing regulatory standards of the cannabis industry, Carolina’s areas of specialty include organic chemistry and biochemistry research, laboratory testing and operations, good manufacturing practices, good laboratory practices, quality assurance, and R&D for cannabis products, pharmaceuticals, foods, and beverages. She has more than 20 years of experience with clinical research, organic synthesis, and extractions and has extracted DNA, RNA, proteins, terpenes, and other pharmacologically active molecules.

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