UTC Telecom & Technology 2019


Nathan Wallace

Nathan Wallace
Director Cyber Operations

Nathan Wallace has a B.S. in electrical engineering, a B.S. in physics, an M.S. in engineering, and a Ph.D. in engineering cyberspace from Louisiana Tech University. He started his career with Entergy’s relay settings and configuration group. He then joined a small utility as an associate engineer, performing field maintenance of system protection and communication equipment. After seeing the grid’s growing reliance on cyber-based technologies, he pursued graduate degrees focusing on power system cybersecurity, where he also worked as a digital forensics examiner. Nathan currently is a staff engineer at Ampirical and a cofounder of the cybersecurity engineering firm Cybirical, where he is the director of cyber operations. He is the creator of VulnTracker, the first and only mobile app for tracking power system vulnerabilities and standards. He is a member of InfraGard, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE-PES), and chairs two new industry standards currently being developed by the IEEE-PES Technical Committee on Power System Communications and Cybersecurity (PSCC). He is also the Program Chair of the annual IEEE Smart Grid Cybersecurity Workshop.

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