2019 California Cannabis Business Conference


Chaney Turner

Chaney Turner
The People's Dispensary

Unapologetically Black AND queer, Chaney Turner is an entrepreneur, activist, and community builder. With more than a decade of successful retail ownership and event promotion/production experience under their belt, Turner’s business acumen is informed by a conscientious, community-driven approach. As founder and CEO of Social Life Productions, Turner has created events in the Bay Area and abroad for the LGBT and larger community since 2007. And in 2016 they founded Town Biz Oakland, a statement apparel retail store and “community safe space.” For their work, Turner is the recipient of numerous honors and awards. Also in 2016, they co-founded The People’s Dispensary, a company whose mission is to insure equity in the still-developing cannabis industry for Black people, people of color, queer-identified folks, the formerly incarcerated and victims of discriminatory drug legislation - marginalized Communities that have historically been left out of policy discussions and decision making. This work is a logical extension of Turner’s activism, the majority of which has centered around gentrification, displacement, and state-sanctioned violence. Chaney’s work and leadership embody the belief that those most impacted by inequities should have the power to implement solutions to those inequities. Turner is passionate about the possibilities of cannabis - both medicinally and economically. They have seen, via observation and first-hand experience, marijuana’s various healing properties and the potential for its legalization to spur growth and development in economically-depressed areas of Oakland, Los Angeles, New York, and other cities; regions that have also been hardest hit by the War on Drugs.

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