2019 California Cannabis Business Conference


Mike Lomuto

Mike Lomuto
Diversity Equity Inclusion

Having gotten his start in cannabis in San Francisco in the 90’s, Mike Lomuto brings two decades of industry experience to his role as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Manager at NCIA. Mike spent the past two decades building strategic systems to help mission-driven businesses sustain over the long haul, a journey that has taken him through Corporate Wellness, Complementary Currencies, Traditional Asian Medicine and of course, Cannabis. Mike is deeply committed to creating lasting opportunities in the Cannabis Industry that reach diverse communities nationwide. Prior to his hire as the DEI Manager, Mike volunteered for two years in leadership of the NCIA’s DEI Committee. In his current role, Mike is tasked with building sustainable DEI at NCIA, supporting Social Equity members, and implementing initiatives to foster greater DEI nationwide. Previously, Mike co-founded Dao Mastery, a business development and coaching firm to help Cannapreneurs thrive and grow generational wealth. In 2019, Dao Mastery launched Boost, its business accelerator for Social Equity Applicants. Drawing on his diverse background and that of the companies he previously built, Mike is a strong advocate for DEI in the industry. Raised in San Francisco, Mike is proud to be of Thai and Italian descent.

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