2019 California Cannabis Business Conference


Jennifer Whetzel

Jennifer Whetzel
Founder & CEO
Ladyjane Branding

Jennifer Whetzel is a marketing professional and founder of Ladyjane Branding. For over 25 years, Whetzel has been branding, advertising, marketing, strategizing and researching for Fortune 500 companies and B2B/B2C small businesses. After finding significant symptom relief in medical cannabis and emotional support from community members, she was inspired to use her professional expertise to help businesses in the cannabis industry develop smart, strategic and consistent brands that create deep connections with consumers. Jennifer’s signature creations, Ladyjane’s Archetypal Segmentation Model, Brand & Consumer Personality Quizzes and Two-Hour Brand Makeover all empower entrepreneurs in the industry to take their brand strategies into their own hands to stand out and sell more.

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