CWCBExpo Boston 2019


Brett Greene

Brett Greene
Research Administrator, Center for Drug Discovery
Northeastern University

Brett Greene is an inventor, entrepreneur, strategist and cannabis science geek. For over a decade, he's been a Research Administrator for the Center for Drug Discovery at Northeastern University under the direction of world-renowned cannabinoid scientist Alexandros Makriyannis, PhD. He is the manager of the Chemistry & Pharmacology of Drug Abuse, a National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA) sponsored conference that meets annually and brings together the top minds in drug abuse research, an umbrella under which he manages to fit cutting edge, and regularly positive topflight research on cannabinoids. He's an organizer and development committee member for the American Chemical Society's cannabis subdivision, "CANN", a consultant for numerous companies; a consultant for numerous top companies in cannabis and help including Advanced Nutrients; a strategic advisor for Orion Partners and co-creator of that company's "Gro-IQ" machine-learning backed cultivation management platform; an Advisory Board member of the Massachusetts Cannabis Consumer Council and a co-founder of Massachusetts Recreational cannabis company Evokanna and psychedelic media and events company Psymposia, among others.

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