NIGA Trade Show 2021


Margo Gray

Margo Gray
Margo Gray & Associates

SHORT BIO Margo Gray is President of Margo Gray and Associates and in 2018 was elected to the Osage Nation Minerals Council. She received her education at Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK and the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. In addition to many state and local activities, she is the Co-Founder of the United Women in Tribal Gaming, and currently serves on the Board of Directors and was the first native woman Chair of the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) and is a Board member for the American Indian Business Network Board Member for National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), and is an active member of Women Empowering Women for Indian Nations. She is the first Native American to sit on the National Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Margo has been the keynote speaker for numerous conferences across the U.S and Globally, advocating for Native American businesses. Gray is a proud Osage businesswoman who has built a profitable business in a traditionally male industry for the past 21 years. Her leadership and determination have won her numerous prestigious honors and awards. As a strong competitor in “Corporate America”, she encourages Native American entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams, and counsels’ tribal leaders to create a government and legal environments that will enable Indian businesses to thrive.

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