HD Expo 2019


Meghann Day

Meghann Day

Meghann leads the HBA SF office with a diverse background in design and business management. In her role as Principal, she is responsible for project management, FF&E selection and specifications, and interior architecture. Meghann has an extensive portfolio of experience designing premier hotel and resort projects in the global arena, including luxury resort hotels, spas, clubhouses, condos, themed restaurants, and luxury residences. With a degree in Interior Design and Business Administration from Kansas State University and extensive experience working closely with her clients in the design industry, Meghann is extremely adept with client communications, project management, and scheduling. Her professional and personal interests are diverse – she is an avid traveler and student of the world, and her extensive international travels have informed her strong sense of design and style. With her diverse background and her dedication to her clients, her staff, and to the design industry Meghann is a key asset and a valuable member of the HBA team.

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