
Carolyn Brown

Carolyn Brown
Hey Dude, Nice Shoes

Carolyn Jennings Brown has been serving public schools in the state of Texas for nearly two decades. She has a unique perspective that spans from being the daughter of an educator, a student, a teacher, and a parent. Today, Carolyn travels all over the state of Texas and shares her Anti-Bullying/ Pro-Kindness presentation “Hey Dude, Nice Shoes” with students of all ages and their parents. During this empowering and inspiring workshop, she shares her unique experiences and stories in a passionate and honest way to educate the two separate generations on this sensitive topic and bridge the gap of understanding about growing up. Carolyn is an honorary lifetime member of Texas PTA and a recipient of the National PTA Lifetime Achievement Award. She lives in Austin with her husband of 18 years and their two daughters (and her dog, Zelda).

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