
Lisa Blecker

Lisa Blecker
Director of Marketing
Resource Furniture

With more than two decades of design and marketing experience, Lisa Blecker leads the marketing team at Resource Furniture, North America’s largest retailer of transforming and space-saving furniture. Embracing a decidedly non-traditional marketing approach, Resource Furniture is dedicated to educating the public on the benefits of flexible, efficient living, while providing funding and/or support to an increasing number of non-profit and academic initiatives that promote sustainable living and intelligent design. As a major in-kind sponsor of the 2013 exhibition "Making Room: New Models for Housing New Yorkers" at the Museum of the City of New York, and the 2018 exhibition “Making Room: Housing for a Changing America” at the National Building Museum, Resource Furniture and Clei, s.r.l. designed and built two hyper-functional, transforming homes that served as the centerpieces of each exhibition. Lisa speaks regularly about challenging the traditional floor plan, and the increasing desirability and demand for flexible, smaller-footprint living across all market and demographic segments.

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