HydroVision International 2019


Kurt Johnson

Kurt Johnson
Telluride Energy LLC

Kurt Johnson is the Principal of Telluride Energy LLC, a small hydro consulting and project development firm based in Telluride, Colorado. Telluride Energy’s projects range in size from five kilowatts to five megawatts, with support from federal and state incentives totaling more than $1.5 million. Telluride Energy clients include state and local government, utilities, environmental organizations and private landowners. Kurt Johnson has 19 years of experience working in renewable energy. He spent many years working in Washington, DC at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he founded and spent many years managing EPA’s renewable energy program, the Green Power Partnership. After working for the EPA, Kurt moved to San Francisco where he worked as renewable energy specialist for the California Public Utilities Commission and also as Director of Business Development for Recurrent Energy, a financier and installer of commercial solar photovoltaic systems. Kurt completed his training in small hydro through Solar Energy International and holds an MS in environmental science from Johns Hopkins University and a BA and MA from Stanford University. Additional information is available at www.tellurideenergy.com.

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