AISTech 2016


Management Science Associates, Inc. (MSA) GABRIEL® software to receive an Emmy® Award

Pittsburgh, PA and New York, NY – September 15, 2015 – The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has bestowed on Management Science Associates, Inc. (MSA) the prestigious Emmy® Award in the area of Technology and Engineering for its GABRIEL® software application. 

GABRIEL was the first integrated ad sales, traffic, and billing system designed specifically for the national cable network industry.  It is being recognized in the category of “Pioneering Development of Data Driven Traffic Systems for Multichannel Environments.” 

Twenty-one years ago, MSA partnered with four national cable networks to design and develop GABRIEL.  Over the years, MSA continued to enhance GABRIEL, adding the industry’s first integrated stewardship application, an ad sales planning module featuring auto plan generation, a schedule optimization engine, a rule-based secondary events system, and reporting cubes.

Over time, GABRIEL has repeatedly proven its ability to automate and streamline clients’ operations, improve workflow across the enterprise, schedule inventory more efficiently and improve their bottom lines.  MSA Media continues to serve the media industry with GABRIEL as well as many other new and exciting software products and services.

Michael McGuire, Vice-President in the Media Group, stated, “The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences’ recognition of GABRIEL is an unexpected and welcome accolade.  MSA has a long history of innovation in media and other industries.  It is an honor when one such innovation is recognized by such an esteemed organization.  This award is a testament to all of the people at MSA and the clients that contributed to the development and growth of GABRIEL, without which these types of innovations would not be possible.”

MSA will receive its Emmy award in January at a dinner and ceremony at the Bellagio Resort in Las Vegas. 


Management Science Associates, Inc. (MSA) creates and commercializes information-based models, processes, systems and software for industry and government.  Since its inception in the 1950s, its incorporation in 1963 and through today, MSA has partnered with customers to identify areas where innovative use of data and analytic systems can create value by driving growth and/or efficiency.  Using its expertise with the tools of information management – analytics, data management and software and systems technology – MSA develops, integrates, implements and maintains products and services in various functional and vertical domains.  Within processes and departments, across large and small enterprises, and throughout demand and supply chains, MSA helps customers put their data to work.

MSA’s 800+ employees provide solutions for over 300 clients, including some of the largest and most innovative U.S. and foreign corporations and institutions.  Headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, MSA also has offices in New York City; Atlanta; Cardiff, UK; Shanghai and Beijing China; and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  It also maintains a presence in High Point NC, Florida and Las Vegas.  For more information, please visit