2015 AACC


BBI Solutions launches a new low dimer recombinant human NGAL

BBI Solutions (BBI) has announced the launch of its recombinant NGAL protein.

A new marker for the early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI), BBI’s recombinant protein has low dimer content in relation to the monomer.

Levels of NGAL can be seen to rise in the blood and urine, within 2 hours or less, during acute renal failure.  Secreted in two different forms; a dimer and a monomer, clinical studies have shown that the monomer is primarily the dominant form of NGAL, making BBI’s new protein highly specific for kidney damage.

In addition to the low dimer content, the product has been designed to provide a purity of >96%, minimising the risk of interferences due to contaminants.  The decision to develop a recombinant protein provides customers with supply security, as it is not dependent on biological raw material.

Research has demonstrated that the protein has a faster response time compared to other standard AKI biomarkers, such as Serum Creatinine.

Fully manufactured at the company’s Sittingbourne site in the UK, under ISO 9001 quality management system, recombinant Human NGAL provides the high quality the diagnostic market has come to expect from BBI.

BBI’s Recombinant Human NGAL with its low dimer content is available for testing now; customers can find out more or request an evaluation sample here.