SEMICON West 2016


Webinar: “Latest advances in Quantum Computing capabilities presented by leading researchers”

As developments in Quantum Computing accelerate and the potential to increase the capabilities of tomorrow’s computers becomes a reality, leading research scientists will discuss the advanced research currently being undertaken at their key international establishments.

The webinar comprises 3 talks:

  • Dr Edward Laird, Oxford University , “A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube”

  • Dr. Alessandro Bruno, Technical University Delft, “Next-generation cQED processors with vertical I/O”,

  • Dr David Haynes/Dr John Burgoyne, Oxford Instruments, “Enabling processes and tools for research and fabrication of Qubits”

“Carbon nanotubes are attractive materials for electron spin qubits because they can be made free of hyperfine dephasing and because spin-orbit interaction offers a route to all-electrical spin control, however, the existence of the valley degree of freedom and unscreened Coulomb interaction make the qubit readout complicated”, says speaker Dr Edward Laird, from Oxford University, “Using a new fabrication technique, we have demonstrated combined valley-spin Pauli blockade in a nanotube double quantum dot by exploiting the bandgap to increase the energy splitting between blocked and unblocked states.”

In his talk, “Next-generation cQED processors with vertical I/O”, Dr Alessandro Bruno will explain how recent progress in the coherence times of superconducting quantum bits has indicated that the coherence threshold for the realization of error correcting schemes in a surface code universal-quantum-processor has been reached (at least in the single qubit case). However, scaling up the physical size of current generation’s quantum processors is a non-trivial technical task, especially when preserving the long coherence of the system is mandatory.”

“Quantum technologies are poised to revolutionise our daily lives in the future, just as the semiconductor revolution did starting some fifty years ago.  The miniaturisation and portability which is provided by these new devices greatly increases the commercialisation of quantum technologies, from quantum computers to single photon detectors, taking advanced sensors and instruments from the physics lab into our everyday lives”, says Dr John Burgoyne from Oxford instruments, “We are poised to build on Oxford Instruments’ over 55 years unique experience in low and ultra low temperatures and high magnetic field technologies, and plasma technologies, to enable new innovative applications.”

To view this and other Oxford Instruments webinars