SEMICON West 2016


TSC CMP Vision System

TSC CMP Vision System (RSDS-100)

TSC is doing a business with major chip makers such as Samsung, SK Hynix, ST Microelectonics and so on through improving various parts of semiconductor CMP equipment. Especially CMP Retainer Ring Vision System (RSDS-100) used for 12” CMP process has been developed to detect chipping and scratch which can be made at the wafer edge. This vision system is now used in Samsung. If chipping and scratch is not detected during the process, dozens or hundreds of defects are made. Therefore TSC RSDS-100 is a powerful system that you can prevent dozens or hundreds of wafer defects beforehand.

We are providing a very practical and precise improvement, renovation and maintenance service by looking at the problems in the same way with field engineers of the chip makers.