SEMICON West 2016


German Semiconductor Suppliers – Automation Network Dresden - Bring Conference on Innovation in Automation to Hillsboro, Oregon

German Semiconductor Suppliers – Automation Network Dresden - Bring Conference on Innovation in Automation to Hillsboro, Oregon

2nd innovationsforum for automation to feature talks from INTEL, Texas Instruments, SolarWorld, Bosch, Boeing Spectrolab, and IC Insights among others

The innovationsforum for automation USA sponsored by the Automation Network Dresden (AND) is dedicated to bringing semiconductor companies the latest information on best practices, new technologies and the future of automation.

The innovationsforum, held for the past 11 years in Dresden, Germany, is organized by the AND, a high-tech cluster of the five Dresden-based companies -- AIS, HAP, SYSTEMA, Roth & Rau/Ortner, and Xenon -- all of which are experts in automation through software and hardware. In 2015 the conference took place in the USA for the first time.

Over the course of two days companies such as INTEL, IC insights, TI, SolarWorld, BOSCH and others will discuss new technologies that impact semiconductor manufacturing and best practices that have already brought major improvements for the automation of IC fabs. By bringing together automation experts from the semiconductor, PV, and similar industries, the innovationsforum provides a unique forum for the exchange of ideas.

In recent years there has been a focus on showcasing new technologies and achievements in automation research. Each year an 'Innovation Award for Automation' is given to an influencer and driver of innovations in manufacturing at the customary evening event and dinner party.

The 2nd innovationsforum for automation USA will be held at INTEL in Hillsboro on September 22 & 23, 2016. For more information or to register, visit or contact Heather Bonin or Christfried Nicolaus.