2016 Cosmoprof North America


Discover Hair Flash Color #1 hair Make-Up in Cosmetic & Hair Dye market

Hair Flash Color® is #1 hair Make-Up in Cosmetic & Hair Dye market. Hair Flash Color® aimes to clearly

indentifies its service and the attached slogan “ Make-Up you Hair ®” invites women to new fashion attitude, a

daily gesture to cover all the women needs who dye their hair.   It is as well a real premium beauty product with

natural ingredients and a life saver. It is the only one  2-in-1 service product, a new generation of beauty

product which doesn’ exist in the Hair-care market. Its natural product made with organic compounds and

natural mineral pigment colors.

Hair Flash Color®, Protect & Color hair instantly.

The successful development business is insured mainly with our keys assets: A premium Product, A innovative

Concept and A huge Market.

 Hair Flash Color® will take its place in a market of several billion dollars where nothing exists with this


Now, women will experience a new daily beauty attitude :

                  As you Make-Up your Hair, Now, Make-Up Your Hair !

Sylvie, like millions of other women dyes her hair. Taking care of them on a daily basis is a real and  recurrent

constraint for her, even if she knows that she has no choice. As a regular user of all existing products, she was

never completely satisfied with what she could find, and above all could not understand why no product existed

as a touch up color that instantly color hair between harsh coloring process, as well that save time and be good

care and protecting her hair. To easily touch Up her Hair color, at anytime, anywhere, was for her the obvious

beauty freedom that women dream of.

As serial entrepreneur with successful businesses both in France and in the US, among others in the

communication, fashion and the furniture industries. She decides to design the product that is the answer for

the women who dye the hair and founds the company to develop Hair Flash Color, as the #1 hair beauty

product that is convenient product for millions of women seeking care quality and efficient usage.