Euro Attractions Show 2016



Company’s theming design team now the largest in the UK


Scruffy Dog Design, Create & Deliver today announced the unveiling of its newly renovated and expanded design studio, doubling its capacity and adding new, state-of-the-art video conferencing software and meeting rooms to cater to its international customer base.


With the expansion of its design studio, the Midlands-based theming design, build and installation company now offers the largest theming design team and best-equipped conferencing facilities of any company of its kind in the UK.


“Our clients love our updated video-meeting facilities – it’s been a real boon for the way we do business,” said Joe Bright, MD at Scruffy Dog. “Overseas and long-distance domestic clients all now benefit from the ability to participate seamlessly in live video meetings throughout the entire course of the design stage, which means that they’ll benefit not only from regular video contact, but the ability to be fully involved in brainstorming sessions and the design refinement process – something that would usually have to be done face-to-face.”


The company posted a walkthrough on its Facebook page (here) to give followers a feel for what the new studio looks like.


About the company

Scruffy Dog Design, Create & Deliver is based in Birmingham, UK, that specialises in theming design, build and installation for theme parks, visitor attractions, museums and science centres, zoos and aquariums, festivals and live events, retail and hospitality spaces, film and TV, and experiential marketing campaigns.

Services include design translation, dedicated project management, 7-axis CNC robotic sculpting, 3-axis flatbed CNC cutting, dual-component spray systems, GRP and FRP spraying, rota-casting, spray bake & spray booths, joinery, metal fabrication, sculpting, mould making, coatings and resins, scenic painting and on-site installation.


Contact info

UK: 0800 211 8604; International: +44 (0) 121 730 2400