Euro Attractions Show 2016


Semnox develops Wavier Integration in its Point of Sales

Semnox, a leader in providing Cashless and ticketing solutions for Family Entertainment, Theme Park and Amusement Industry recently developed a digital wavier integration with its Point of Sale System. The Wavier screen is a touch screen based tablet with a stylus to capture the digital signature of the customer as well as the option to take the customers consent to send out digital marketing material. The content on the wavier screen is configurable and also supports multilingual language. Once the customer has signed the wavier using the stylus, the signature is captured and the electronic wavier file is stored in the Parafait System against that specific transaction for future reference.

“With waivers becoming very critical for business, this process ensures that the wavier is signed before the transaction is saved against that customer’s file ” Said, Kiran Karanki, Director, Semnox Solutions.” This easy way of having the customer sign the wavier form saves time for the customer and the staff. Our system stores this electronic wavier on file making it easy for the staff to retrieve a wavier when needed. ” He added.