Euro Attractions Show 2016


Immersive Planet Design and Deerns join forces

Immersive Planet Design and Deerns have joined forces and bring to the IAAPA a new and reformed team to achieve and create a revolution in theme park, museums and FEC designs. The goal is to maximize the new technologies that Deerns has been specializing in for years with the creativity, imagination and hard work of Immersive Design’s team and experience in the field.

Immersive Planet together with out sister company ParkOps and Deerns Engineering have conceived and developed a smart system that integrates all operations process concepts ensuring a level of control and has not been seen so far.

Our innovative Smart Leisure System allows us to develop the optimal operational plan for any project, integrating it to guest’s experience, not only optimizing operation costs but also increasing the customer satisfaction level and encouraging repetition.

Come see us at the booth number 1574!