AISTech 2017


Iron Age Footwear: Old School Tough Work Boots

St. Louis, MO (February 10, 2017) – Warson Brands is proud to announce the reinvigoration of its occupational work boot brand, Iron Age Footwear. 

Iron Age Footwear, with its proud, long-standing history in the United States, is going back to its roots as an “Old School Tough” work boot for “Old School Tough” workers who perform dangerous, dirty, yet glorious work – all day and all night. 

Getting its hands dirty by visiting and observing tough workers in tough work places all around the nation as well as seeking their guidance and advice, Iron Age is working to develop and test new footwear in the field with those who are actually doing the hard work.  Two new products, Heated and Thermo Sield, are already in-stock with two more series slated for release by the end of 2017.

Iron Age has also toughened up its current product lineup with new branding, logos, designs, and “tough stuff” technological improvements.  All of Iron Age’s tough stuff, including how the boots are tested and used in the field by tough workers, can be found on the revamped website,

Iron Age is also getting tough by improving its online shopping and customer engagement.  A brand new website, blog, and social media channels, all work together to showcase “Old School Toughness” of both the boots and those who wear them. 

Iron Age is partnering with many tough organizations, trade competitions, shows and events, as well as tough companies and workers, throughout the year to reward and recognize toughness and to continually “toughen up” its boots to keep up with our tough workers.

For more information on Iron Age Footwear, visit