2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo


End Point Debuts New Mapping Abilities for Liquid Galaxy

End Point is excited to premiere new mapping and layering technologies on its Liquid Galaxy systems at BOMA 2017 in Nashville, TN.


Liquid Galaxy, created at Google, is an immersive panoramic visualization platform being utilized by commercial real estate companies around the world. End Point has been the premier developer of Liquid Galaxy since early inception of the system. End Point has integrated countless applications onto the system, which include Google Earth, Google Maps, real-time data integration, 3D models, 360 panoramic video, Unity3D, and most recently ArcGIS and Cesium mapping.


Cesium allows for consistent 3D environments that users can fly through with the SpaceNav controller, set scenes in a presentation to tell a story, or mix together with video or graphic popups for a fully immersive multimedia experience. Cesium is open source, and provides a great deal of flexibility and accessibility to build different kinds of data visualizations and interactions.


With End Point’s browser-based Content Management System, clients and partners now have the ability to create immersive presentations that overlay real estate properties with photos, videos, browser windows, panoramic photos, panoramic video, and more.


For more information, please visit https://liquidgalaxy.endpoint.com/ or reach out to ask@endpoint.com.