CPNA 2017


Vine de.la Vie; Hair Care’s Powerful New Weapon

The Wine Extract: The Superhero Ingredient
Each product has been created to harnesses the power of a unique and rare ingredient: The
Wine Extract. Found in only one region of the Earth, The Wine Extract comes exclusively from red grapes that are grown, aged, and fermented to specifically produce a highly powerful
polyphenol that protects hair from free radicals, and neutralizes chronic inflammation and
oxidation that disrupts hair growth.
For generations, only the elite have been privy to the health and beauty benefits of this special
ingredient because the grapes from which these powerful polyphenols are harvested are
exclusive to one remote region. However, with the launch of Vine de.la Vie, everyone can
indulge in the benefits of "The Wine Extract." This extract is so effective on hair because it has
the ability to remove oxidation from the surface of hair all the way down to hair’s cortex. Once
this oxidation is removed, hair can be repaired and strengthened from all the wear and tear we
put it through due to dyeing, and styling.
The Results
Proven to be 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C, and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin
E in its ability to repair each hair shaft from base to end; the phenols in Vine de.la Vie will help
to transform hair that has been damaged by chemicals, styling tools, and the environment into
shiny, soft, and luxuriously healthy hair.
Blaine explains, “When using Vine de.la Vie on the hair, whether at it’s natural color or
enhanced through chemicals, the color of the hair will intensify. Brunettes will be rich in depth
sparkling with gold or red tones. Golden blondes will shimmer in the sun like molten gold. Cool
blondes will have a soft pearlness to their buttery glow.”
Vine de.la Vie allows the user to achieve healthier hair with little to no disruption to their current
hair routine. Simply shampoo and condition as you normally would with the oR Noir shampoo
and conditioner and add the oR Noir hair mask in a few times a week to reveal hair that is
noticeably shinier, cleaner, stronger, and smoother to the touch.
“ The volume of the hair is heightened with each strand of hair lifting like floating butterflies in the
summer,” says Blaine.