CPNA 2017


Bellabaci - Your Kiss of Wellness ; Cocobaci Detox and Natural Teeth Whitening ; Bellabaci Sport

Bellabaci International specialises in offering a natural solution to your health, wellness and beauty needs. Our range of 6 Genies consists of the treatment modalities of topical homeopathic synergies and Aromatic complexes to address your concerns at the root cause. Combined with the Bellabaci Cupping system, our hand-squeezed vacuum suction cups for face and body, based on the treatment successes of Ancient Chinese Cupping, you can achieve professional results, in the comfort of your own home.

1. Bellabaci - Your Kiss of Wellness

Bellabaci International is the brain child of originator and CEO Keren

Trabelsi and has been improving and changing lives since 2005. Bellabaci’s main focus and drive lies behind offering and filling the gap to those in need of a natural solution and who want and need to make a positive health and wellness change, in the right direction. The Bellabaci Genie range consists of 6 luscious lotions, which turns into a luxurious deep-treatment oil on application, and each treat a variety of different yet related conditions. 

Treat yourself to our Cellulite Be Gone, Skin Get a Life, Aches and Pains Get Lost, Circu Flow, Bye Bye Belly Blues and Stress No More Genies, which are all organic, paraben free and makes use of the latest technology in natural preservatives. Let Bellabaci help you to say goodbye to conditions such as cellulite, spider veins, wrinkles and ageing skin, poor blood and lymphatic circulation, emotional burnout, fluid retention, pain and discomfort, as well as bringing relief to chronic conditions such as Arthritis, Eczema/Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia and many more. Our system puts the power back into your own hands, to take charge of your body and face’s needs, without doing harm or leaving an unwanted chemical footprint behind.

Each Genie contains their own unique bouquet of hand-selected and wild crafted oils and energetic synergies, and what makes them extra special is that they do not stain your linen or clothing and have superb spreading action. By combining the use of your prescribed Genie with our massage cupping system, The Body or Facial Cups, you will also increase product penetration, remove stagnation and toxicity, treat the body up to 4 inches deep and improve your cellular respiration, circulation and lymphatic flow throughout your body. The effect of this treatment system works for long after the actual treatment has ceased, leaving you with a deep sense of relaxation and feelings of warmth and wellness. This is the kiss of wellness you have been waiting for!

Cocobaci 15 Day Oil Pulling Program for Pure Detox and a white smile!

Taking the world of natural dental health by storm is the newly launched Cocobaci 15 Day Oil Pulling Program. Founder and developer Keren Trabelsi  has once again delivered on a product that is natural, result-driven and consumer-friendly.

Poor dental health is connected to so many issues that range from systemic to cosmetic. Many answers lie in the combination of old wisdoms and new technology, to bring across a specific improvement and change.

Oil Pulling has its roots in Ayurvedic Medicine and is well-known in India. Brushing and flossing alone cannot cover the surface of the mouth and all nooks and crannies in between the teeth, and mouthwashes are usually high in alcohol and may not be as beneficial for the long term. Oil Pulling is the answer here, where oil is swished and gargled for approximately 10 minutes. Bacteria literally melt into the oil, which is then discarded and not swallowed. 

The Cocobaci formulation is revolutionary as it is a single-use sachet used daily. Usage is simplistic as al that is needed is to open the tear-away sachet, push contents into the mouth and then to gargle with it for 10-15 minutes, preferably on an empty stomach.

Cocobaci has chosen organic Coconut Oil as the main ingredient due to its high anti-bacterial protection ability, and have combined it with vegetal stem-cell technology known as Gemmotherapy as well as the benefits of hand-selected essential oils. This allows an effective detoxification of the cells and also the specific benefits of the chosen oils.

The Cocobaci Range is available in 3 different flavours known as Cool Mint, Lemon and Fennel Sparkle and Raspberry Kisses. The flavours are subtle and tasty, but do not contain any artificial chemicals, keeping the product as natural as possible.

Another great and noticeable effect of the Cocobaci 15 Day Oil Pullng Program is the whitening of teeth, as stains are removed. Progress can usually be seen after 4 uses, but the immediate effect is a dramatic decrease in Halitosis (bad breath) as well as the experience of a fresh tasting mouth.

Make sure you try this product soon as we can predict anyone who does will continue to use it past the 15 days. Visit the Cocobaci website at www.coco-baci.com or contact the team standing by at smile@coco-baci.com.

3.  Bellabaci Sport - Your Natural Fitness Companion 


Workout harder, faster and for longer is within your reach with the Bellabaci Sport Range of Post & Pre Workout Lotions . It is our passion to provide our consumers with a superior quality product to enhance wellbeing and your athletic performance!

Bellabaci Sport specializes in preparing as well as preserving the body naturally, creating the best possible outcome. Our research and development team work under the strictest and advanced laboratory regulations and specs available, ensuring that you receive exactly what your body needs, every time.

We are also passionate about the earth and leaving the least visible eco-footprint possible. Our product range makes use of the latest in natural preservatives, are paraben and artificial fragrance free. We also do not believe in adulterating our ingredients as they can only provide their highest level of potency when they are used in their purest and most natural form possible.

Bellabaci Sport International and all involved also love our fur-kids and we oppose animal testing strongly.