CPNA 2017


ALLURE (on TONYMOLY Megatox Ampoule Sheet Mask)


“The Megatox Ampoule Masks, which are microcell sheet masks packaged in adorable ampoules shaped like syringes, come in three different formulas depending on your skin concern—brighting, lifting, or hydrating—and because I was peeling like I was about to shed a second layer (thanks, retinol), I decided to try the hydrating mask, aptly (and weirdly) named the Moist Shot. Just from reading its ingredient list, I knew it'd be hydrating, but damn, I wasn't expecting to get a front row seat in the Splash Zone while wearing it (but more on that later).

“According to Tonymoly, the Moist Shot is made with three different types of hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump, plus glycerin to lock in all the moisture, so I knew it'd be worth a try. And, as expected, the mask was right on the mark. Immediately after ripping open the ampoule, I pulled out the sheet mask—which was rolled up and soaked in a pool of thick, goopy liquid (most likely the ingredients above)—and slowly slapped it on my face. Once secure, I plopped down on the couch to catch the latest episode of New Girl and let the seriously soaked mask (like, so wet it was dripping onto my T-shirt) seep in.

After about 20 minutes of wear (and promising myself to change my now-drenched top), I slowly pulled the treatment off my face to reveal...an even wetter reflection. This sheet mask left residual serum behind, like most I've tried before, but never like this. It was as if I just walked out of a steam room—my face was drenched…

Soaked shirt aside, I loved the Moist Shot. It was lightweight and really (like really, really) hydrating, and quickly alleviated my dryness, albeit temporarily. Sure, I've still got a few flakes around my mouth (I know, still gross), but they've definitely simmered down since masking.”