CPNA 2017


HuewKnewIt - The Beauty Secret That Promises Rihanna-Level Glossy Skin

Jump head first into the coconut oil craze an achieve glossy skin like Rihanna’s with Organic to Green COCO Oil – also called the everything-you-need-in-one-bottle beauty remedy.

The buzz is that Organic to Green COCO Oil is made with 100% pure and gentle coconut oil. COCO Oil offers a modern use of this multi-benefit beauty elixir.
Organic to Green’s liquid oil products quickly absorb into your skin, are non-greasy, so there’s no worry of this oil clogging our pores, and all give scents are blended with completely organic and natural botanicals.

Lemon- which is an antibacterial oily skin treatment contains Red Raspberry and Burdock Extracts.
Gingers- is a healing formula that contains Ginger, Seabuckthorn, Berry and Cherimoya.
Vanilla Chamomile- is a soothing formula for sensitive skin types blended with Vanilla, Chamomile, Calendula and Aloe. Great for treating sunburns.
Rose – addresses the signs of aging and contains Vitamin A & C. Ideal for mature skin.
Jasmine Ylang Ylang – is a moisturizing formula that treats dry skin. It contains Icelandic Moss, watermelon and fresh floral.
The best way to use COCO oil is in and out of the shower.

Why You’ll Love It
Aside from giving you that Rianna –level glossy skin you’re after, there are plenty of other uses for COCO Oil. Use it to wash your face, as a makeup remover, to add sheen to your hair, as a bath oil, or even as a lip protector.

Source: http://www.hueknewit.com/coco-oil-glossy-skin/