CPNA 2017


Refinery29: This New Way To Remove Blackheads Is Mind-Blowing / Refinery29: Exfoliators That Won't Irritate Your Skin + Health.com: People Are Obsessed With This Korean Skin-Peeling Gel, But Is It Safe?

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REFINERY29: This New Way To Remove Blackheads Is Mind-Blowing By JOYCE KONG 9/1/2016
The actual pore-vacuuming takes about 15 minutes, but you don’t just stride in and go straight to suctioning. Making sure the skin is properly cleansed and hydrated means less irritation, and like with any skin-refining procedure, there’s a little prep to getting the pores ready to surrender their gunk. In this case, that means not just a thorough wash, but a gentle exfoliating treatment. 

This freaky peeling gel from Korean dermacosmetic brand Dr. G balls up as you rub it around the face, taking dead skin along with it. 

Dr.G Brightening Peeling Gel, $28, available at Glow Recipe, Nordstrom, Dermstore, My Skin Mentor Dr. G 

REFINERY29: Exfoliators That Won't Irritate Your Skin BY JOLENE EDGAR 5/12/16

Flash back, if you will, to your earliest foray into exfoliation. Did it involve a tub of crushed-walnut scrub? Possibly a loofah? We, too, once subscribed to the grit-is-good philosophy. But time has told us that sloughing off dead skin doesn't have to, and, for your skin's sake, shouldn't, be a rough experience. Exfoliation is pivotal to fresh, luminous skin — and luckily, products that facilitate the process have mellowed considerably over the years. 

Perhaps it’s because, as The New York Times recently reported, “companies large and small are racing to serve the growing number of adults in the United States with [sensitive] skin.” Whatever the impetus, today’s scrubs wouldn’t dare scratch your face or leave it ruddy. We’re seeing smart resurfacing molecules that selectively erode only dead surface cells, sparing the healthy skin below, to give a glow sans side effects. Even home peels have gotten crazy considerate — delivering on promises not to irritate by offsetting acids with generous doses of hydrators and inflammation-quelling extracts. This new bevy of exfoliators are so gentle, they can be used daily (or every other day), yet are still impressively effective.

Ahead, skin buffs weigh in on all that’s new in the realm of next-generation exfoliation.

The Latest K-Beauty Buffer

While the beauty world has been freaking out over aqua peels, the next big K-beauty star has been quietly gaining steam. Behold the latest in Asian exfoliation: The Dr.G Brightening Peeling Gel, a gommage-type treatment. It is, put simply, “the best thing ever,” says 
Glow Recipe’s Sarah Lee, emphasizing its soft texture and gentle ways. Created by a South Korean dermatologist renowned for his exfoliating facials, the gel sloughs and hydrates to radiant effect. If you haven't heard of gommage, when rubbed into dry skin, these liquidy gels pill up, capturing what looks like dead cells in their wake. 
According to cosmetic chemist Ginger King, older gommage peels used ingredients made to coat the face and flake off, giving the impression of shedding skin. However, she adds, “it wasn’t so much dead cells you were seeing, but rather the residue of ingredients rolling off the skin’s surface.” 
But new versions are winning over influencers, like Lee, because they’ve updated the classic formula with better buffers, such as cellulose (a plant-derived fiber) and polyacrylates. “These soft, spongy materials provide a source of friction to carefully nudge off actual skin cells,” says King. The latest gels bolster this exfoliating action with mild fruit enzymes or acids, and top things off with moisturizers and anti-inflammatory botanicals. 

Dr.G Brightening Peeling Gel, $28, available at Glow RecipeNordstromDermstoreMy Skin Mentor Dr. G 

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HEALTH MAGAZINE: People Are Obsessed With This Korean Skin-Peeling Gel, But Is It Safe? BY CHRISTINE MATTHEIS 2/28/17

It promises smooth, radiant skin—but it's seriously freaky to see it in action. 


Last week, I was scrolling through my Facebook News Feed when a video caught my eye. It was from Hello Giggles, and showed a young woman rubbing a Korean skin-peeling gel onto her face. As she rubbed, her skin balled up into little clumps and shed into her hands. Watching her skin peel away made me feel a little queasy—but I could not look away. See for yourself:

Hello Giggles (which shares a parent company with Health) claims the featured product, Dr. G Beauty Brightening Peeling Gel, "balls up with dead skin cells and feels like your skin is shedding," and that the active ingredient is cellulose, a chemical exfoliant.

Korean women are known for their impeccable complexions and their super-involved, multi-step skin care routines. Plus, it turns out that people all over the internet are obsessed with this Dr. G gel; Buzzfeed stafferscountless YouTubers, and members of Reddit's Asian Beauty subreddit are fans. But it's one thing to apply a nourishing face mask or serum, and it's another to purposely slough off the top layer of your skin like a molting snake. So I asked our editorial assistant, Kelly, to reach out to a dermatologists to get their take.

So is this gel safe? The verdict: "It's safe to use," says Debra Jaliman, MD, a New York City-based derm. "It has aloe, which is soothing for the skin, licorice for brightening, and glycerin, which is moisturizing. I'd recommend it for removing the dead skin cells from the face."

Mona Gohara, MD, a Danbury, Conn.-based dermatologist, agrees that using the Dr. G gel will probably do you no harm, and may be great for evening out complexion and skin tone. But she does advise checking in with your doc before you slather it on your face, especially if you have rosacea, eczema, or acne. "Stay on the safe side and check in with someone you can guide you through your routine," she says.

So there you have it. For $28 at Nordstrom, this is a moderately priced way to experiment with Korean beauty. Now go get glowing.


Getting rid of blackheads is one of those skin care areas where doing too much is sure to backfire. Korean beauty is known for its skin-focused philosophy, so it's no surprise that the best Korean skin care products for treating blackheads work by addressing the source of the problem, and tackling it gently.

The first step to treating blackheads is understanding how they form in the first place. Every pore on your face contains a hair (that's why we have peach fuzz) and a sebaceous gland that produces oil. When larger pores on your t-zone get clogged with excess oil, dead skin, or makeup residue, oxygen causes the clogs to turn black.

So there you have it, blackheads are nothing more than exceptionally stubborn clogged pores! Which means, the right way to get rid of blackheads is by thoroughly cleansing the skin, gently removing any dead skin that could block the pores, and using a light moisturizer that won't build up or throw off your skin's natural oil production levels.

If you'd like to create a Korean skin routine for blackheads, or even just add a few amazing Korean beauty products to your existing routine, I recommend starting with the basics: a thorough double-cleanse, first using a noncomedogenic oil or balm cleanser to remove makeup, sunscreen, and excess oil, and then cleansing a second time with a low-foaming cleanser to remove anything left over. Beyond cleansing, you'll need to use a treatment product — like a toner, essence, serum — that contains chemical exfoliants such as BHA and AHA on a daily basis to help break up blackheads in the pores and slough off dead skin cells that will otherwise become blackheads. I also recommend exfoliating with a peeling gel or sugar scrub once or twice a week, and applying a wash-off mask weekly to the areas where your blackheads tend to pop up.

The key to any skin care routine is consistency, so choose a few great products to incorporate into your regimen, use them religiously, and evaluate the results after about four weeks!

Remove Dead Skin Cells Gently With This Satisfying Peeling Gel

Dr.G Brightening Peeling Gel, $28.00, Nordstrom

A gentle exfoliator is a must when it comes to preventing and getting rid of blackheads. Dr. G's peeling gel exfoliates the skin without the irritation that harsh scrubs can cause. This gommage-style exfoliator will leave you feeling super satisfied as you watch your dead skin ball up in the gel and rinse them away. It's a bit gross, but also incredibly effective.

Use this exfoliator once or twice a week after cleansing the skin.