CPNA 2017


People Style Magazine

Looking for a more relaxed nail salon experience? Enter the team at Base Coat, whose second location in Downtown Los Angeles (the franchise started in Denver) strive to give customers a perfectly Zen salon experience using only non-toxic and vegan-friendly products.

In addition to styling their spot with über cool vibes (more like a hipster loft than the clinical feel of a traditional salon) the Base Coat founders created their own gorgeously rich nail colors — no more chemical smells! After much deliberation, I chose a beautiful milky beige for my nails and a raspberry shade for my toes. Side note: I was six months pregnant and perfectly at ease knowing that I wasn’t inhaling any toxins or harmful fumes.  It made for a much more relaxing experience, though sadly I couldn’t partake in any of the tonic-based cocktails that are be served at the location’s artsy chic bar.