CPNA 2017


DefineMe Launching Hair Fragrance Mist with "Good Stuff" Ingredients

DefineMe Fragrance located in Discover Scent DS2 is known for it's mission to empower women through its fragrances and through its DefineMe Dollar program (for every bottle purchased $1 goes to scholarhips for girls in low-income countires). They're also on a mission to add 'good stuff' ingredients to their prodcuts. They're lauching their Hair Fragrance Mist this Fall 2017 which includes ingredients like argan oil, coconut oil, aloe, rosehip extract. They believe in adding natural + organic ingredients which appeals to their 'hard to impress' millennial customer. Founder and product developer, Jennifer McKay Newton says "I wouldn't have it any other way". For press inquiries contact: press@definemefragrance.com