2017 I/ITSEC - 8250


One World Terrain

US Army One World Terrain (OWT) is an enterprise-level capability that is providing global 3D terrain data for current and next-generation modeling & simulation (M&S) systems. Traditional 3D geospatial data is often just comprised of polygons and textures that are suitable for rendering, but not for simulation. OWT is focused on the methods and technologies that turn generic geospatial foundation data into usable M&S terrain. Foundation data for the effort originates from advances in collection technologies (such as drones), as well as open/market-based sources that are freely available and well-formed.

The OWT booth will showcase data and technologies that are centered around next-generation geospatial services for M&S.  A global, geospecific dataset will be demonstrated in various runtimes, all correlated and operating on the same authoritative foundation data.