WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference



San Francisco, CA May 9, 2018 - Zoni LLC introduces StomaTuckTM, the all-new patent pending ostomy bag management device.  Designed in California by a cooperative group of ostimates, StomaTuckTM creates a new concept in ostomy bag management:  StomaTuck makes space between the waistband and skin that lets ostimates tuck their ostomy bags into pants, shorts or skirts with comfort and ease.

“The ostimates we spoke to just wanted a simple way to tuck their ostomy bags into his trousers without pinching them off” says John Chiladakis who led the engineering effort for StomaTuckTM  “We heard the same message over and over, the products on the market are too complicated, and they keep ostimates from wearing their normal clothing”

Made from a special skin-safe material StomaTuck has the feel of soft leather and it is worn on the waistband of clothing.  It only about an inch thick, so its very discrete and its design allows it to be easily clipped on and off.  Ostomy bags can be easily emptied with StomaTuckTM in place, and for urostomies, ostimates can finally connect a leg bag to your ostomy bag without any risk of pinching off the flow. Click here for more product features.

About Zoni LLC

Zoni LLC, located in San Francisco, CA is focused on creating new products specifically designed to make wearing ostomy bags more comfortable and more manageable.