Euro Attractions Show 2017


"King Abdullah: Values and Wisdom" Exhibition Tours Saudi Arabia

“King Abdullah: Values and Wisdom”, the Introductory Convoy of the 2018 King Abdullah Exhibition, recently debuted at the 31st Al Janadriyah National Festival for Heritage and Culture in Saudi Arabia. 

The collected artifacts, photographs and videos featured in the traveling exhibit are part of an intensive effort aimed at preserving King Abdullah’s legacy and promoting his values and wisdom, both locally and globally. The exhibit provides a glimpse of the preparations underway by the King Abdullah Foundation for a major exhibition in 2018.  

The experience begins with a three-dimensional map of where the convoy will be journeying throughout Saudi Arabia. Once inside the traveling exhibit trailer, guests can “Walk with the King,” viewing and digitally interacting with over 500 photographs of the late ruler. Visitors can then peruse a variety of King Abdullah’s personal effects, including garments, furniture and artwork. The exhibit concludes with “Stories of the King”, where guests can leave a video message about what this groundbreaking leader meant to them. The 50-square-meter exhibit has welcomed over 5,000 people per day since its opening.

“King Abdullah: Values and Wisdom” is an initiative of the King Abdullah Foundation, which seeks to sustain King Abdullah’s vision for a better world based on the virtues he espoused of justice, virtue, peace, and humanity. The History Factory, Jack Rouse Associates (JRA), and The Brand Experience worked together to conceptualize, design and produce the King Abdullah Introductory Convoy for the Foundation.

“…Seek with tireless determination to acquire knowledge and learning; you are, after all, the builders of the future era, a future that will not accept anything less than to be in the forefront for the sake of our country that is generous to us and which expects from us the fruits of what it has given to us to make our country rise among nations.”- King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud