Euro Attractions Show 2017


The Giant Ape

The Giant ape, a whopping 13 metres (42 feet) tall, it has been made for Carthage land theme park in Hammamet, Tunisia. The monster is to be the centrepiece of a customised spinning coaster, also designed and built by EOS.

The giant ape ride has been installed on top of an existing building at the park. It has been carefully crafted to represent a real gorilla. Specialist craftsman at EOS based the extremely detailed model on scientific anatomical studies of the real animal. It's not only a marvellous sculpture, it moves. For the majority of the time, the ape is seen resting on its knuckles, turning his head and looking around. Then, all of a sudden, it stands up to its full height, raises its arms and thumps its chest angrily, while its head turns and its mouth opens, emitting an ear-splitting roar.

Guests will even see the ape’s hot breath pour from its nostrils. EOS has employed special effects more often associated with blockbuster movies to create this truly thrilling coaster experience. Real flames, 6 meters (20”) high, flare when the coaster approaches the giant ape. Lights flash like those of a New York police car, referencing the original movie. The 7,200 Watt audio system ensures that Giant’s roars can be heard a kilometre away. The effect is absolutely terrible and scary!