IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


Luboo- New rental tracking wearable for young children! Helps alleviate parents anxiety and provides real-time tracking information about your guests!

Luboo is a world first. A rental wearable tracking wristband for parents of young children at large venues and events. For the first time, parents and caregivers can rent a tracking wristband from a venue or event and be able to locate their child in real-time if a child wanders out of sight in a crowd. Luboo then gives back the aggregated, anonymous tracking data back to the venue or event so it can use that information to optimize guest services. 

Luboo is a tracking wristband and mobile app (with a management kiosk for venues and events). No upfront costs to a venue and easy to on-board. Guests will enjoy a simple, fast on-boarding process and can locate their child at a touch of a button.

Luboo can integrate into existing venue apps. The Luboo wristband is customizable, waterproof, and battery life for a day (with multiple charging stations provided). What's more, Luboo will alert a parent or caregiver if a wristband comes off a child. 

Come join a revolution in safety and information. Test Luboo at your venue and enjoy an additional revenue stream, provide an uplift to your guests and learn about vital information of your young guests.