IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


Eldorado increases brand awareness with social media-ready, logoed, custom bouldering and climbing walls.

CONTACT Christina Frain

TELEPHONE 303-447-0512 x132

EMAIL christina.frain@eldowalls.com

WEBSITE www.eldowalls.com 

Boulder, CO, November 7, 2018—For the first time, a climbing wall builder is working with FECs and amusement facilities to tailor climbing terrain to make it the perfect backdrop for branded, social media photos and videos. Eldorado Climbing Walls has social media and design specialists available at IAAPA 2018 in booth E7400 to talk about designing and installing new walls or updating existing walls to increase brand awareness. 
The Eldorado team will provide insight into placement of graphics on climbing terrain to increase the odds that a facility’s brand is visible in posts and effectively tagged and shared. Learn about wall features that encourage climbers to stop and pose for pictures in specific locations. Find out how to help your visitors improve the quality of the photos they take of the climbers and increase shares. 
To arrange a meeting, message the Eldorado team through: INSTAGRAM @eldowalls,  FACEBOOK @eldowalls, or contact Christina Frain at 303-261-8623. 

About Eldorado Climbing Walls 
Since 1994, Eldorado Climbing Walls has created over 1,900 of the finest custom and modular rock climbing walls in the industry. Projects range from climbing boulders for municipal parks to climbing terrain for universities that rival climbing gyms to rockrealistic climbing towers for ski areas to climbing gyms around the U.S.. Eldorado proudly designs and manufactures their walls in their facilities in the heart of Boulder, CO. For the Eldorado Team, “Everyone Should Climb” is more than just a motto, it is a guiding principal. Opportunities to climb should be available to everyone. If Eldorado is able to construct walls that provide a stellar climbing experience and first-time climbers are converted into lifelong climbers, then the Team has done its job. www.eldowalls.com 
