NRA Annual Meeting 2019


BLUEOPS introduces its new revolutionizing dry-fire training platform - XMAG

BLUEOPS, an Israeli-based start-up that focuses on tech solutions for firearms training, has chosen to reveal its first product - XMAG - at the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.

In the past 18 months BLUEOPS has heavily invested in the development of XMAG, a revolutionary digital dry-fire training solution that turns the trainee’s own equipment into a powerful data-driven training platform in just seconds.

“Dry-fire has been an essential part of firearms training for ages.” said Tal Engelstein, CEO & co-founder at BLUEOPS. “Unfortunately, its repetitive and non-rewarding nature often turns it into a boring routine that many choose to neglect. It’s about time we’ve turned this super essential exercise into an exciting experience that constantly motivates trainees to reach higher goals.”

“After serving many years as an officer in the IDF and as an enthusiastic IPSC shooter I came to the realization that there is a clear need to solve the longstanding conflict between the massive professional adoption of dry-fire and the fact that most people do not find it exciting and rewarding enough.” Engelstein also said.

In their new product, BLUEOPS have chosen to leverage and combine some classic training approaches (that were first introduced in the beginning of the previous century…) along with some cutting-edge technologies of the current millennium.

“We believe that much like any other martial-art, shooting, whether target or defensive, leans on muscle memory that is built through repetition” said Itay Cohen, CTO & co-founder at BLUEOPS. “Thankfully, IoT technology has advanced significantly in the past decade, making it possible for us to do those things that just until recently were considered as science fiction”.

Cohen served more than 14 years as a technological leader and commander in one of Israel’s most prestigious technological units, followed by more than 26 years in the start-up scene.

BLUEOPS experts will present XMAG in booth #6572 and will offer the option for all visitors to take part in a competition specially designed for the NRA event.

Unofficial rumors claim that there some appealing rewards waiting for the winners...

For additional information about BLUEOPS and XMAG, visit booth #6572 at the NRA Annual Meeting, April 26-28, 2019 – Indianapolis, IN.