FBNC 2019


See Tomorrow's Skin Today

See Tomorrow's Skin Today with DermID.

dermID is a Class 1 Medical device which can be used by both Dermatologists and Estheticians to visualize early skin damage. In daily use, the light will be used to identify photodamage, clogged pores, skin irritation and other cosmetic conditions.   Instantly visualize early skin damage and easily share the images with customers.

Tissue fluorescence technology relies on fluorophores that emit their own light at a longer wavelength. The light is blue in color. When directed on healthy tissue, it appears green due to the wavelength technology; when the tissue is abnormal, it appears dark in color. For example, fluorescence can detect changes occurring in the tissue such as cellular and structural changes that are not visible to the eye. This allows the clinician to visualize tomorrow’s skin today.