POWERGEN International 2019


Bypass Centrifugal Oil Separator

The highest performing and only self-monitoring bypass oil filtration spinner type separators in the world - IOW Group brings to the market a new disc stack centrifuge spinner that is the most efficient in the world.

It is common knowledge that the primary filters, in most diesel engines, allow certain sized contaminates, generally 20-25 microns, to pass through. These predominantly soot particles (a byproduct of combustion in diesel engines) shorten the life of the lubricating oil and cause damage to engine parts as they are very abrasive. The primary filters could be made to take these particles out, but this would mean massive increases in the size and expense of the filters. With the advent of emission controls and exhaust gas recirculation in modern diesel engines, there has been a substantial increase in the amount of soot being deposited into the engines sump.

The problems associated with soot contaminated lubricating oil have been well documented, and the benefit of its removal, to both engine and oil life, is well known. Larger installations have long had separation systems installed alongside them, but these machines are both expensive to purchase and at times are technically challenging to run. This has meant that for smaller engines it has not been economically viable to have an independent separation system installed.

This problem was identified in the 1970s, and an English company designed and made the first effective spinner centrifuge. The company was bought out by a large German multinational in the 1980s, and since then there has been no real technical advances or improvements. The basics have remained the same since the 1970s. There are several firms world-wide who have copied the original spinners, but they all work on the same 1970s principles and in many cases parts are interchangeable between them.

Four years ago, IOW Group looked at the basic concept by using extensive knowledge gained from many years of working in the separation industry and decided to redesign the spinner. The brief, although sounding simple, proved very difficult to engineer, but has now finally come to fruition. The target was ‘to develop a faster, more efficient simple spinner centrifuge that ensures minimal cross contamination between clean and dirty oils that has the ability to inform the operator that the device requires cleaning.’

This was achieved in 2015, and worldwide patents have been applied for. The units have undergone six months of extensive testing and have surpassed all expectations. A MP 200 unit was tested against the market leader’s model, a FM 200. In three hours of testing the MP 200, 35% more sludge was removed than the FM 200. This test was conducted under the supervision of Lloyd’s using SAE 40 lubricating oil at 80 degrees centigrade. Copies of the Lloyd’s certificate can be viewed on our website, and more information on the testing procedure can be obtained by contacting us.

Since witness testing with Lloyd’s, there have been further improvements made, and we estimate that we are at least 45% more efficient than any other spinner centrifuge on the market.

The IOW Group spinner centrifuges all have the same footprint as the market leader’s centrifuges, so if you have an existing spinner then upgrading to a system that will clean your oil better has never been easier.