The NGA Show 2020


Bōlm Skincare Announces Launch of Promising New Treatment for Soothing a Worldwide Epidemic


Prevasil Ultra Care Cold Sore Treatment launches this month providing added benefits to promote healing in a global market. 

Incline Village, NV – September, 2018

Following eight years of research, John Fraser, co-founder and president of Bōlm Skincare, announced the official launch of their new cold sore treatment called Prevasil and claims the effectiveness of the topical drug is shocking to witness. He explains, “Individuals who were plagued by outbreaks on a regular basis thank me like I saved their life. They keep Prevasil with them wherever they go.”

An external analgesic, Prevasil uses camphor and thymol for pain and itch relief. It also combines lysine and cold-pressed raspberry seed oil with twelve exotic herbs (including: blue yarrow, lemon myrtle, blue chamomile, lemon balm and sea buckthorn) to instantly relieve and moisturize the affected area. These ultra-soothing properties promote rapid healing and are the key selling points that set Prevasil apart from its competition.

Even those with average symptoms who tested early formulas have reached out with testimonials to share their appreciation. Mike from Palm Desert, CA writes, "I used to get a couple of ugly, painful cold sores per year. Now when I feel that tingling pain of a cold sore forming, I start applying Prevasil regularly. Within a day or two it has retreated before having a chance to erupt. I’m a believer and lifelong customer of Prevasil!"

Upon application, one experiences a cooling sensation produced from organic peppermint oil and there is an immediate reduction in redness and swelling. Prevasil is found to be most effective when applied at the very first sign (e.g. pain, tingle, buzz) and reapplied often until the virus subsides. At further instructions advise, “When the cooling stops, it’s time to reapply.” The treatment can also be used daily during periods of remission or at times of high stress, sickness or fatigue.

As worldwide stress-related illness rates steadily rise, Bōlm Skincare is working quickly to saturate the market with their fast-acting, herbal-based treatment. The family-owned corporation based their marketing operations in North Lake Tahoe, and Prevasil is manufactured at an FDA registered facility in the Midwest.

Prevasil is currently sold at over 200 locations throughout 11 western states or it can be ordered directly at Retail category buyers can review further details by visiting the Prevasil profile at

Contact Info:

John Fraser, President

Bōlm Skincare

(855) 856-3473