2019 I/ITSEC


Buckle up; RTD-Manager proves to be the fast pass to quality project and requirements management.

Requirements, Traceability, and Documents Manager


Our Own Struggles with Requirements Management, System Engineering, and Document Compliance

Through the years, we developed software along with all related documents required for the Defense Industry, NASA, ISO, and CMMI. With the development of critical software comes the need for requirements management, test management, traceability and the needs for comprehensive technical documentation package.

Year after year, we have had great difficulties determining if our 200-300 requirements have all been tested. According to our spreadsheet, so it seemed, we had traceability between design>requirements>tests. However, we lacked the bi-directional traceability as it was just too complicated to capture in a spreadsheet; sound familiar? 

The lack of traceability resulted in numerous bugs that should have been caught before the product was sent out to the users. The feedback was that we may have a quality issue and the product will not be approved for use until the traceability issues are corrected. 

Worse yet, the software safety and quality control/assurance reviews of our technical traceability and documentation determined that we had missed items/sections of information required by the standard set forth in the contract. Once those issues were addressed, another submission would be made and the review process would start over, resulting in delays of our product delivery and increased cost.

After some thought into automating these complex tasks, our group of engineers, testers, and quality assurance gathered the best practices and processes. We arrived at RTD Manager, a solution that provides an easy way to manage requirements, manage tests, do comprehensive traceability, and develop documents to a myriad of standards that consistently pass our extensive team of reviewers. These reviewers were surprised at our new-found success rate and consistency of delivering high-quality code and documents that get approved the first-time through. We no longer fear the requirements management, traceability, or documentation reviews. Bonus; our on-time delivery of the Technical Data Package continues to improve allowing our team to achieve greater success and the company to be more profitable.

For more information and to try RTD-Manager for free, go to https://www.rtd-manager.com or come by booth #2585. You can learn about other products from Nobletech Solutions by visiting https://www.nobletechsolutions.com.