Natural Products Expo East 2015


Innocent Chocolate Raffle give away!

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Hand made chocolate sculpture raffle give away!


Innocent Chocolate proudly invites you to come meet us at booth  2522 and enter our free raffle to win one of two custom made show piece chocolate sculptures. 

  These will be made by our very own Master Chef and Chocolatier, Chef Purmessur. Chef P will also be making fresh chocolates throughout the show for you to sample our products.

Stop by and enjoy the sinfully delicious, ultra dark, flavors of Innocent Chocolate. Always sugar free, soy free, dairy free, gluten free, non GMO, with organic cacao.  And of course you can't forget that it blocks the absorption of sugar, starch , and fat in your diet, and has net zero calories!

True indulgence with no guilt....


We look forward to meeting you soon!


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