Sensors Expo & Conference 2019


ES1-HCHO + TB600B: Gas sensing module for sub-ppm formaldehyde control Measurements with focus on health & low human exposure

A gas sensing module for measurement of formaldehyde must be able to deliver reliable measurement in the sub-ppm range of gases. The reason is that even small exposures to formaldehyde can cause irritations and longer time exposure can cause life-threatening diseases to evolve. Formaldehyde is a gas that forms naturally or from almost all human related activities – from burning of fossil fuel to cleaning of carpets using chemicals. The formaldehyde is so-to-speak all around us and the concentrations can vary a lot dependent on human or natural activities.

The ES1-HCHO + TB600B combination, which is sold as one unit, is a digital and very compact formaldehyde gas sensing module that can measure concentrations in the sub-ppm range. The TBB600B electronics deliver a 24-bit high-resolution signal enabling changes to be measured down to 10 ppb within a measurement range from 0-1 ppm (possible overload up to 2 ppm). The sensor signal output is very linear and the zero-gas stability is excellent. Because of the solid polymer electrolyte technology, the sensor is suited for both hand-held as well as stationary gas alarm systems.