TRA Marketplace 2019

Encore ePad Loyalty 

FREE, ePad Email System for Two Months... "NO strings attached"

Encore Loyalty is so convinced that you will agree the ePad System is the most amazing email marketing product to come along that we will agree to install a COMPLETE ePad System in your restaurant for you to test for 2 months or until we capture at least 1,000 new eClub members... which ever comes first!  You heard us right, NO strings attached.  We just want to take this opportunity to put our money and our product and talk with our feet.  Be forewarned though... past experience tells us that there is a 80% chance that you will continue to want to work with us to build and automate your email program for many years to come.  

Just stop by our booth and ask about our, "No Cost, No Obligation Test Drive".  We will gladly hand you the keys to solving all of your email marketing problems... guaranteed!!