HR Tech 2018


AllyO Show Special

Drive retention of new employees with a free, automated and text based post hire checkin 


Companies lose up to 20% new hires within the first 90 days. Cost of hiring and training each new employee can run up to $5K!


Do you want to know which of your newly recruited employees are likely to churn? Do you observe a low participation in your traditional new employee check-in surveys? Drive over 90% engagement through a highly configurable, automated, natural language platform that is available through text and web chatbot messaging. Receive and act on feedback before your newly recruited employees churn. For more details, visit

Offer details

  • One time check-in for up to 500 newly hired employees to drive retention
  • Check-in must be executed within 30 days of deployment
  • Optimized to determine overall satisfaction, on-boarding experience, readiness for the role, and excitement about career progression
  • Check-in available through conversational web chatbot and text messaging
  • Employers will be responsible for
    • All compliance requirements, e.g., permission to reach through text messaging
    • Distribution of AllyO web chatbot link and text messaging number exclusive for the employer  
  • AllyO will provide check-in results in a standard PDF format

* Offer valid for new customers of AllyO