2019 Pittsburgh AISTech


Fumes Exhaust System

SARRALLE Fumes Exhaust Systems exceeds the most resctrictive environmental regulations and enhances the social responsibility. Our Customers are le... More...

Rolling Mill

SARRALLE is a driver for hot rolling long product mills technology thanks to its experience and attitude to fulfil the requirements of the most dem... More...

Sarralle Melting Plant - EAF, LF, V(O)D, Casting

SARRALLE designs and supplies CUSTOMIZED metallurgical plant equipment including process technology for steelmaking, secondary metallurgy and conti... More...

Water Treatment Plant

At SARRALLE we offer innovative engineering and construction solutions for water treatment plants. We improve the quality of the water for the indu... More...

Coil Processing Lines

SARRALLE has extensive experience in the engineering design, manufacturing, erection and commissioning of coil processing lines in different metals... More...